Civil War Quiz: What Do You Know About Ulysses S. Grant?
Q#1 – What was Ulysses S. Grant’s birth date?
Q#2 – What was Ulysses S. Grant’s birth name?
Q#3 – What town and state was US Grant born in?
Q#4 – How did Grant’s name get changed to Ulysses S. Grant?
Q#5 – What nickname did Grant go by when at West Point?
Q#6 – Grant graduated from West Point in 1843 with a class of 39 – where did Grant rank in his class?
Q#7 – Grant fought in the Mexican War. In his memoirs, what did Grant write about his thoughts on that war?
Q#8 – What was the maiden name of the woman that Grant married?
Q#9 – In 1856, Grant and his family moved to a section of his father-in-law’s farm and, to give his family a home, built a house. What name did he give to the house?
Q#10 – Early in the Civil War, how did Grant earn the nickname “Unconditional Surrender” Grant?
Q#11 – What was the month and year when President Lincoln named Grant commander of all Union armies?
Q#12 – What was the reason Grant declined President Lincoln’s invitation to attend together a play at Ford’s Theater on April 14, 1865?
Q#13 – What was the name of the Democrat Party’s candidate that Grant defeated in the Presidential election on 1868?
Q#14 – After leaving the office of President in 1877, what did Grant and his family do?
Q#15 – What was the medical condition that Grant eventually died from?