John Herberich reported on the “2013 West Coast Civil War Roundtable Conference”
John cruised to Mexico with other West Coasters for this year’s Civil War Roundtable Conference and presented a report on the program and festivities.
We have all seen the movie Lincoln and can recall the scenes in the telegraph office with the young soldiers. Major Arthur Henrick presented a review of the 1907 book by Homer Bates, Lincoln in the Telegraph Office, a light hearted and interesting view of Lincoln telling stories while reading telegraphs in the War Department.
Based on “Lincoln in the Telegraph Office” by Major Arthur Henrick
Q#1 – What historical document did President Lincoln write in the Telegraph Office?
Q#2 – What was the purchasing power of a $10 bill in 1862?
Q#3 – In what state was Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton born?
Q#4 – What did Union telegraph operators do to mislead the Confederates who had tapped into and were intercepting Union telegraph messages?
Q#5 – What was the name of Lincoln’s trusted personal secretary?
Q#6 – What was the legal age limit to join the Union Army without parental consent?
Q#7 – What was President Lincoln’s favorite color for the majority of the clothes he wore?
Q#8 – What term did President Lincoln use to refer to the Civil War?
Q#9 – How much money was Mrs. Lincoln given to fix up the White House?
Q#10 – By what term did Mrs. Lincoln most often refer to her husband when speaking with him?
Q#11 – What technique did President frequently use to kill a bill that he disagreed with?
Q#12 – What beverage did Lincoln find in the Telegraph Office after news came in reporting victories at Gettysburg and Vicksburg?
Q#13 – What insect in the Telegraph Office frequently caught Lincoln’s attention when he visited there?
Q#14 – What phrase did Lincoln use to indicate that he had completed reading all the telegraph messages that had been received that day?
Q#15 – What is the only recorded time when Lincoln used a swear word?