Join us at 6:30 PM, February 25, at Jack’s Restaurant & Bar, located at the Northwest corner of the Westgate Shopping Mall in San Jose, near Campbell (1502 Saratoga Ave, San Jose, CA 95129) and via ZOOM. This month’s topic is
Tom Roza on “John Buford—A Forerunner of Mechanized Warfare Tactics”

John Buford possessed an amazing ability to grasp the importance of a situation. Buford displayed a keen ability to recognize where the good ground was, and knew what his role was. These were all critical components that eventually enabled Buford to become a critical element in the Union victory at Gettysburg. John Buford left an enduring imprint on 19th century mounted operations, a precursor of the mobile mechanized warfare of today. And once he achieved high rank, Buford almost single-handedly overturned the practice, prevalent in virtually every theater of operations, to cast the mounted forces of the Union in the mold of European heavy cavalry.
Tom Roza has been a student of the American Civil War since December 1960 when he received as a Christmas present The Golden Book of the Civil War, adapted for young readers from the book entitled the American Heritage Picture History of the Civil War. Tom’s main interest in the Civil War has focused on what type of people fought in the war and its human aspects as opposed to the actual battles, politics, and weaponry. As a result, Tom has made presentations on Winfield Scott Hancock, Jeb Stuart at Yellow Tavern, AP Hill, Robert Gould Shaw, the Draft Riots of New York City, among others. Tom has also written two historical novels on the Civil War and Reconstruction: Windows to the Past: A Virginian’s Experience in the Civil War and Lost Cause-Justice Found, both available on Tom is currently in the process of writing his third historical novel that is entitled Triumph Conquers Tragedy, a post-Civil War story that takes place in 1870s Colorado Territory.